Our Name Has Changed

International Standards Certifications (Global) FZ LLC


Certification Partner Global FZ LLC

Previously known as

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Our Service Has Improved

We are growing and implementing new initiatives to engage with and improve our clients service delivery

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Our Services

Gap Analysis

An organised and structured technique used by our team when working with our clients to determine the current state of the client organisation and their desired state. The identified difference between the current state and the desired state is referred to as the gap.

Once the gap is identified, a strategy and relevant plans are developed to achieve the desired state in a commercially viable manner.


In a competitive business environment the difference between success and failure is a fine line, and often overlooked by management.

Maintaining a level of skills, real life up to date experiences and qualifications via an authorised training partner is crucial.

Our training programmed are structured to deliver the optimal result for the candidates and are globally recognised.


The process of inspecting and examining the business process, production output, efficiency etc… of a given organisation or segments of the given organisation.

The process needs to be well planned and structured to ensure repeatability, impartiality, fair assessment and overall determination of the given status in reference to a pre-defined list of rules, requirements and or guidelines.


Organisations who choose to be audited against one or more ISO standards (well detailed list of requirements) are eligible to apply for an ISO certification certificate via Certification Partner Global.

The certification certificate provided is a recognition of an organisations commitment and achievement to the given ISO standard which is globally recognised.

Certification Partner Global (CPG) Scope:

CPG is a full-scope JAS-ANZ certification body dedicated to providing management system certification services to our client base.

We operate internationally for industry, commerce and government.

Our Auditing and Certification scope cover the following schema:

  • Quality Management systems
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Occupational Health and Safety Systems
  • Information Security Management Systems
  • Information Technology Service Management Systems
  • Business Continuity Management Systems
  • Food Safety Management Systems and HACCP.

Our Training scope cover all of the above schema

Consultancy in any schema is specially excluded from scope of operations.

CPG Serviced Locations:

ECOWAS Countries, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Sudan

Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

The Americas:
Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Ric, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, United States of America

Middle East:
Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Georgia, United Kingdom, Turkey, Spain

Australia, New Zealand


Tony Wilde President / Group Chairman


  • Registered Lead Assessor of Quality Systems since 1986.
  • IQA authorised interviewer for Auditor Registration Applications 1990 – 1992
  • SAA Committee QR 6 – Audits
  • SAA Committee QR 8 – Quality Systems

From 1973: Worked within certified Quality Management Systems

1983 – 1985: Responsible for Design, Implementation and Maintenance of Certified Quality System

1985 – 1995: Responsible for setting up, developing and managing Australia’s first third party Quality System Certification Program

1995 – 2015: Principal, International Standards Certifications – Responsible for setting up the company, developing Australian and International Operations and ongoing management of all ISC operations world wide.

2015 – 2018: Principal, International Standards Certifications (Global) FZ LLC – Ongoing management of all ISC operations world wide.

2018 – Present : Name changed to Certification Partner Global FZ LLC, & improving client services globally.
